David Reynolds oldblue_ at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 28 06:09:53 PDT 2008

Beltane is this weekend and we still do not have adequate people signed up to cover gate.  Attached is my current list of gate times.
3PM-5PM Cancelled due to availability of cash box
5PM-7PM Galiwyn and Jutte and Adalia Vonderberg
7PM-9PM Abrey and Annabelle
9PM-11PM Wolfgang and Clarissima della Chiesa
11PM-1AM Terric and _________________
1AM-3AM _________________ and __________________
3AM-5AM _________________ and __________________
5AM-7AM Aonghas and _________________
7AM-9AM Loemas and ________________
9AM-11AM Tamsin McAindruis and Meadhbh Inghean Rois
11AM-1PM Ayesha de Warwick and Isobel de kirkliry de
1PM-2PM Jacqueline Reynolds and Caterina di Gilead
2PM-4PM Cat and Francis
I am doubtful that I will be able to attend due to our recent addition.  Tamsin has agreed to run gate for me, however please volunteer and make her job easier.  
Thank you,
Lucas mor mac Raghnaill
Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize!
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