[Namron] A Pooky sighting and gratitude unto my Queen

Lord Pooky lord_pooky at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 14 23:48:20 PST 2008

HellLoooO Namron,

I am delighted and look forward to attending Queens Champion on the 26th of January!

I would also like to express my deep appreciation to our beloved Queen Duchessa (was Contessa) Vanessa de Verona for being so kind and thoughtful as to arrange an event upon the anniversary of my genesis. 
It was Very nice of You to move Kingdom and Calendar, so that this loving celebratory event could occur.

Loving everyone and looking forward to a fabulous Event!

Pooky the Ageless

P.s. If there are spankings to be involved, I think that honor should befall the ONLY person who has EVER been brave enough to "Own Pooky". That being our very own Sakurai Sakami-san.     Wink... ;^P gotcha back.

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