[Namron] July 2 Populace Meeting

Shalon Reynolds shalon_reynolds at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 2 20:11:05 PDT 2008

In the presence of her stellar majesty, the following items were discussed at the Namron, July 2, 2008 populace meeting:
Baron and Baroness:  
 - There will be a silent auction at Coronation.  Branislava Kirilova'doch Volkova of Wiesenfeuer will be taking any donations for this silent auction to Coroniation. 
 - Crown tournament will be in Moonshadowe on July 25 - 27 
 - Kings Roundtable will also be in Moonshadowe on August 22 - 24, anyone who is an officer needing to be warranted -or- anyone interested in being an officer or anyone wondering what an officer is supposed to do is encouraged to attend a warranting class
 - We are penciled in to Will Rogers for Protectorate
 - It is also the time to start thinking about any gift baskets that will be given away at Protectorate as both prizes and step-down prizes.  Hand made items are always very appreciated.
 - It is also very probable that there will be a royal presence at Protectorate
- Bids are now being taken for Protectorate Autocrat.  They are due at the next pop meeting.  To be the autocrat you must present a budget for site, site tokens, gift baskets and any food (excluding feast) to the baron and the seneschal by next populace meeting (July 15)
 - Bids are now being taken for Protectorate Feast o'crat.  You will need to present a bid presenting the menu and cost of feeding approximately 85 people to the baron and seneschal by next populace meeting
 -  Both the Protectorate Autocrat and Feast o'crat must have their advertisement ready for the September issue of the Blackstar.
 - I will be needing help with list, site and court heraldry at Protectorate.  Please contact me if you are interested in helping.  
-  Beginning in the fall, we will be hosting either monthly or every other month Heraldry consultation nights.  These nights might also be split between the canton of Skorragardr.  More info to come at a later date.
- Lady Isobel de Kirkbryde will be serving as one of my deputy heralds.  Her help is much appreciated.
- The application period for the office of Chronicler will close at the next populace meeting (July 15).  If you are interested in applying, send your application to the regional chronicler, seneschal, their excellences and the current chronicler by the application date.
- Honorable Lady Adena Terricsdottir will be in charge of water bearing at crown.  Anyone interested in helping with water bearing should contact her.  
 - The hospitaler will also be teaching some dancing classes at crown and will be accompanied by the minstrels of Moonshadowe, so come and learn!
Archery Marshall:  
- There has been a regular attendance of about 18 archers at weekly practice.
 - There WILL be archery practice on Sunday, July 6.
- 5 more archery marshalls were authorized last week at the archery cookout
-  Thanks to the support of the barony and several others, the step-down gift for his majesty has been purchased
Knight's Marshall:  
 - There were 10 fighters in and out of armor last week during fighter practice
 - There are 5 new fighters 
 - If you are a fighter and are willing to come out and teach, please do
- If you have armor that you are willing to let someone borrow, please come to practice and help keep the new fighters interested by allowing them to fully participate as they are starting to gather their own armor.
 - There will NOT be fighter practice this Sunday, July 6
A&S Minister:
-  A roster of talent is being created for the barony of Namron.  If you are a member of the populace and have a particular A&S talent, and would be willing to teach a class, let  Lady Veronique de Mont Saint Michel (our new A&S minister) know.  part of keeping our not-for-profit status is teaching classes!!!
 - This Sunday, July 6,at 3:00p.m. there will be a baby shower for Lord Sebastiana Gerynot Fanelli and Anora Fanelli as they celebrate the new addition to their family, a baby girl.  The shower will be held at their home (where archery practice is held).  They are registered at Target under the mundane names Ginger and Garnet Stevens.  
Other Business:
IVO Blackhawk:
- Tulsa is hosting a MedFaire on August 16&17 and has asked the SCA, via Northkeep for help in demonstrations at the Faire.  The site will be wet (of the 3.2 variety).  All those participating in the demos will be allowed to camp at Chandler Park for the minimal fee of $2.00 per person, per night.  The regular public will be off site by 8:00 p.m., and the evenings will be left over for revelry starting at 8:15 p.m. :)
-The website:  by-the-store.com is having a 15% off sale, just type in the word "sale" to see the swords, and other medieval items they have available.-  The Namron Guard will be staring pole arm drills on Sunday, July 13 at Reeves Park at the same time as fighter practice
-  The silent heraldry sign language classes will begin on the 3rd Saturday in July at 10:30 a.m.  The classes are $10.00 each time you attend and there will be a silent pot-luck lunch immediately following each class.  Contact Lady Isobel de Kirkbryde for more information.
- As V-scribe for the canton of Skorragardr, she is updating the website and will be listing the populace members of the canton online.  If anyone from the Namron group wants to be listed on the canton's populace list she will have permission slips for your information at the next Namron populace meeting.  However, there will be a link from the canton's page to Namron's page.
-  Anyone interested in seeing the Roman Art display at the OKC arts museam should meet at the museam at 3:00 p.m. on July 19th.  If a group of 15 or more is present, the cost will only be $10.00 per person
-  As V-scribe, he would like to know about any and all meetings and classes that are going to be held in the future so that he can get them posted on the website.
-  Hasheika Maleah Farasha Raushana bint Abdullah is on a mission to send items to the troops.  Anyone with items to donate should contact her.  Also, the barony is considering adopting a platoon or squad.  Please contact Maleah or Ulf if you are interested in being a part of this adopt-a-soldier group.
Honorable Lady Melisande de Frayne:
- The movie Mongol, which is the first movie in a 3 part series about Genghis Kahn, will continue to run throughout this weekend.  Contact her if you need more information about the show place and times.  
There being no further business (or if I left someone / something out, let me know)  the populace meeting of the Barony of Namron was closed.
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