[Namron] adopting a squad of soldiers

Maleah baroness_maleah at cox.net
Sun Jul 6 22:19:13 PDT 2008

First, let me apologize for my absence at pop meeting. I was more under the weather than anticipated after my epidural earlier Wed. morning and felt prudence was the better part of valor so stayed home on the ice pack per doctor's orders. I am recovering well, slowly but well. That being said on to the topic of this e-mail.

You all have expressed an interest in supporting our son Adam's squad of soldiers. I greatly appreciate your generosity and having spoken to Adam, he sends his love and thanks. There are several in his group who have no one to send packages from home. The arrangements we have worked out so far are:

Those who have no one will get individually addressed packages, then Adam will share out everything else from his boxes except the things that I mark specifically for him. I will be including a note to let them know who and where the people are who are sending the packages.

I should probably have told you all this up front but as I'm composing on the fly way too late at night I'll tell you now.
The soldiers are with Bravo Company 40th Signal Battalion, called the "Big Dawgs." Camp Scania where they are located is in the southern part of Iraq not too far from the Iranian border. I've had several people tell me this is a more secure location than some but.................this mother's heart still worries.

If you have any changes to the system you would like to make drop me a line or give me a ring and we'll discuss them. I plan on being at the next Populace meeting to pick up any items you all might have to ship. I figure if you all will bring things to each populace meeting I'll hold them until I get a decent assortment of things and then send a shipment every 2-4 weeks depending on what I have to send. Please be aware that it takes 2 or 2 1/2 weeks for them to receive mail from here. Please plan your purchases accordingly. If you would like to send home baked things cookies seem to work best. If I receive home baked I'll put a package together as soon as possible and send it right away. Again, any and all comments for improvement will be appreciated.

Adam's battalion is set to return sometime in March of 2009. Of course, that could change and probably will 3 or 4 times before they actually get on a plane.

Adam will be home for mid-tour leave sometime in early December, of course that has changed multiple times already but I'll post his time for sure when he tells me he's on the plane. I know he will want to see all of you and thank you himself for all your generosity.

I don't think I've left anything out but if I have, again, just drop me a line or give me a call.

Thanks again,
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