[Namron] Roman Art Exhibit Update

Sæmundr inn skærr saemundrthepure at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 03:03:01 PDT 2008

Yes, we will be meeting shortly before 3pm at the Oklahoma City Museum of
Art, 415 Couch Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73102.  If you get there early or
late and want to check in, we are booked under SCA - Barony of Namron.  The
cost is $10 per person provided that atleast 15 of us show.  They have told
me that there are no cameras allowed.  If you know of someone either in or
outside the SCA that would like to join us, feel free to invite them.
Carpooling s encouraged.

Any other questions feel free to call 412-9461 or write me.

Sæmundr inn skærr
Jim Couch

On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 2:45 AM, James Rushin <dweezle at pcsok.com> wrote:

>  Are we still on for this Saturday??  What time??  Are we meeting at the
> Museum??
> Just trying to get all my scheduling straight
> Allon
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