[Namron] updated Proctectorate information

Karla Norris melisandedf at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 11 03:43:36 PDT 2008

Yea!  I will have Randy work on the "recipe" books.  How many do you think?  I was thinking 20.  One at gate, one on the door of the kitchen and a few for folks who might ask for recipes.

From: dnk_p at hotmail.comDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 22:03:53 -0500To: Subject: [Namron] updated Proctectorate information

Just wanted to thank everyone for the great work on the invitationsfor Protectorate. I also wanted to point out that the Feast Menu has beenadded to the site. So go check it out: http://protectoratehttp://protectorate.agilejedi.com/> .agilejedi.com/Please cross post for me! yisorlando 
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