[Namron] Eldern XXXI

Cheri Hodek texastornado_50 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 2 19:11:20 PDT 2009

  Their Excellencies Brom O’Brien & Audrella de Lyon invite one and all to travel to the lands of the Barony of the Eldern Hills for our thirty-first annual championship event. Bring your best skills to the field for our Championship Chivalric, Rapier, and Archery Competitions and your newest arts to our tables as we host a Beginner’s Arts & Sciences Competition
  On Friday, celebrate the safe return of our warriors at the Returning Crusaders’ Revel, hosted by Lady Keara Raven. On Saturday, attend our grand Masquerade Ball, complete with court dancing and prizes for Best Masque. Enjoy delicious fare throughout the weekend with breakfast and lunch prepared by the ladies of the Sisterhood of the Foxes’ Tail and a delectable evening feast by Lady Kalliera Laskarina
  Our event will be held at Camp Kate Portwood in Granite, Oklahoma and cabin reservations are now open. See information at http://www.elderncelebration.org/index.html
  On behalf of the Autocrats,
  Muirenn inghean Chonaill

Humility is not thinking less of you, but of you less
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