[Namron] Populace Meeting

Sæmundr inn skærr saemundrthepure at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 05:50:55 PST 2009

I believe we are all forgetting one of your truest friends.  DUCKTAPE.  No
need in worrying about the location, as you walk in to take your seat, an
officer places a sufficient amount of ducktape around your head (your mouth)
and you take your seat.  Another amount of ducktape is placed around your
body and hands (cmon people we're all a little ADD in the SCA) and you
joyfully watch the goings on.

First one that can get the tape off can get cake.

Seriously though.  I agree with what Bubba is saying about the noise.  It
makes it difficult to hear and concentrate.  Also from the perspective of an
officer or a speaker, its quite difficult because of the distraction.
Theres plenty of time to socialize after the meetings, they dont last that
long.  However, we have been looking for a "normal" place for as long as I
have had the pleasure of knowing you all and until one of us strikes the
lottery I think we will continue having that problem.  Cheers to the
officers for trying their best to work it out.

Sæmundr inn skærr

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Matthias the Brewer <
matthiasthebrewer at cox.net> wrote:

>  Megaphones!!!
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* namron-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org [mailto:
> namron-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] *On Behalf Of *Shell Atwood
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 24, 2009 2:53 AM
> *To:* 'Barony of Namron Mailing List'
> *Subject:* Re: [Namron] Populace Meeting
>    Perhaps my Medieval MacGyver (Robert) can make some suggestions for a
> slight sound boost without intrusive equipment.  We've done some things in
> the Royal Court that worked well and didn't obviously display the mundane
> bits and bobbles that kept it all together.  I'll ask him to ponder the
> matter.
> *From:* Shalon Reynolds [mailto:shalon_reynolds at hotmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, January 23, 2009 6:03 PM
> *To:* Barony of Namron Mailing List
> *Subject:* Re: [Namron] Populace Meeting
> I appreciate your commentary on the use of a speaker systems.  It is nice
> that we can have open and non-confrontational dialogue about issues
> concerning the barony.
> I believe (unless I am totally dilusional) that there should be no doubt
> that I am loud.  I also have no issues projecting, nor do I mind repeating
> items of interest from the officer's reports back to the populace if
> needed.  However, the option of looking into a speaker system is just that,
> an option.  There are several members in our barony that have blessed us
> with their presence so long that they actually can be considered "primary
> sources". There are also some in our barony with special needs concerning
> hearing.  These hearing issues may not be caused by background noise, or
> even unruly populace members.  As Margarite mentioned, sometimes it is a
> tonality issue.
> In the mundane this is why many of your public schools are purchasing what
> is called "Front Row" for their elementary classrooms, to ensure that each
> and every student in the classroom has equal access to the information being
> given.  These are portable speaker systems that can be very discreetly
> hidden, but do allow those with hearing issues to have an additional
> "boost."  Just googling these portable systems, I found that they can cost
> up to $1200.00.  http://www.centrumsound.com/frontrow_togo.html  In
> addition to schools, many businesses are purchasing these for large
> meetings.
> I believe that a good solid foundation of members who truely believe in
> "the dream" is what has made my "dream" a reality.  Lucas and I will be
> celebrating our 2nd anniversary with the SCA at MedFaire.  However as the
> blackstar reaches its 30th year, we might have to consider what might need
> to be done in order to keep the dream alive for some of our "primary
> sources."
> Kudos to our seneschal, Lady Jacqueline for diligently finding us a place
> to meet each week.  Let's continue to send her our ideas and relevant
> concerns about possible meeting places.  However, let us also understand
> that we must not point fingers or get hateful in our discussions.  My
> great-grandmother who recently passed on to meet her maker taught me several
> things about life and one of them is to remember that for every finger you
> point, there are always at least three pointing right back at you.  Let us
> help one another keep the dream alive for everyone. :)
> YIS,
> Lady Adelheid Lilje
> Namron Herald
> > Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 10:06:59 -0600
> > From: eppersos at oge.com
> > To: namron at lists.ansteorra.org
> > Subject: Re: [Namron] Populace Meeting
> >
> > I have a couple of problems with the idea of buying a speaker system.
> >
> > First, most of us are adults. If kindergarten kids can be taught to be
> > quiet during a school assembly, surely we SHOULD be able to be courteous
> > enough to be mostly quiet during a meeting. If people are disruptive,
> > they should be called to task for it and/or asked to leave the area so
> > others can hear. Some friendly chatter is fine, if it's addressing the
> > meeting, not private talk keeping others from hearing the business at
> > hand.
> >
> > Second, I don't think we would have be able to use a speaker system
> > places like Golden Corral, we would be disturbing other patrons.
> >
> > Finally, I don't like the idea of the SCA, which is supposed to be
> > recreating the middle ages and renaisance, using an electronic speaker
> > system for meetings and court. Possibly some of the larger courts
> > (coronations, Steppes Warlord, at Gulf Wars or Pennsic) could benefit
> > from one if it could be done discretely and subtly, but if people could
> > learn to project, or have either the official herald or a private
> > herald(anyone who can and will project their voice, actually) speak or
> > repeat things for them, AND people would be courteous and quiet, it
> > shouldn't be needed.
> >
> > Annabelle
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: namron-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
> > [mailto:namron-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Margaret Decker
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:48 PM
> > To: Barony of Namron Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: [Namron] Populace Meeting
> >
> > One thing thay Gwyneth said really cought my eye and that was low
> > voices.
> > Surly
> > we now have enough in the treasury to purchase a portable speaker system
> > for business meetings (and maybe court).
> > Margarite
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