[Namron] Namron A&S Night--Oct. 19

Jacqueline Reynolds jacqueline.reynolds.namron at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 13:31:32 PDT 2009

The October A&S Night has been rescheduled to October 19, 2009  
starting @ 6:30 pm.  It was supposed to be on the second Monday of the  
month, but that day was a holiday.  Our A&S Minister, Veronique, and I  
discussed changing the date to Oct. 19 (instead of canceling it  
altogether) and we plan to have a sewing night to make T-tunics for  
the loaner garb.

If you have any fabric you would like to donate for the T-tunics,  
please bring it with you or I can arrange to pick it up from you.  As  
always, please bring a sewing machine with you as well.  If you don't  
have one, that's ok.  We might have an extra one or you can bring  
another project to work on, if you like.

We were also thinking about having a fabric swap the same night.  Is  
anyone interested in having a fabric swap at the A&S Night?  Let us  
know what you think.

As always, we will provide some munchies & drinks.   Feel free to  
bring some food with you to eat yourself and/or share.

We would love to see all of you on Monday!

Lady Jacqueline Reynolds

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