[Namron] April Populace Notes

Rose rose_welch at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 13 20:25:49 PDT 2010

Gosh, I hope not. Although it would certainly create a certain relief to the ladies who didn't win. Sort of like a consolation prize... :) I guess that would make the title a... booby prize?

-R the O

Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy marshmallows, which is kind of the same thing.

--- On Tue, 4/13/10, Daniel (Linus) Garbelman <doxygen at cox.net> wrote:

From: Daniel (Linus) Garbelman <doxygen at cox.net>
Subject: Re: [Namron] April Populace Notes
To: "Barony of Namron Mailing List" <namron at lists.ansteorra.org>
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010, 10:10 PM


That would be Grand Assembly of Archers, the most awesomest
archery event in four kingdoms, five if you count the Trimarins but not many
folks around here do. The very same event that will be hosted at Camp Dakani
Aug 27-29 this summer. I’ve heard it rumored that this may even be an
interkingdom event. That really all depends on if Sheik Abdullah is successful
at procuring the queen of Outlands and their subsequent attempt to retrieve her. 


If there
were an overall winner of the event, and the title were Grand Assembly’s
Greatest Archer, and the winner was one of our fine Ansteorran ladies, would
her title be Lady GAGA? 


in Service, 

Lord Linus 




namron-bounces+doxygen=cox.net at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:namron-bounces+doxygen=cox.net at lists.ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of LdyRavon at aol.com

Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 9:24

To: namron at lists.ansteorra.org

Subject: Re: [Namron] April
Populace Notes


Um, what does GAA stand for?  I have racked my brain and it
hurts now.  I use most of my brain waves at work and it wants to rest when
I get home. 




In a message dated 4/13/2010 10:50:34 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
jacqueline.reynolds.namron at gmail.com writes: 

Thank you fro the
reminder/addition.  I couldn't remember what the  

name of the event was at all.



Another addition:

Alexander (HW Marshal)--He responded to a question from the audience  

about Heavy Fighter practice and if it would stay at Sellers or move  

to a Norman location.  It was decided that the location would remain 

at Sellers (since the overwhelming majority of fighters are from the  

OKC/Moore area).  He also stated that if more fighters came from the 

Norman area, he would consider adding another night of fighter  

practice in the Norman area.

On Apr 13, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Epperson, Sheryl wrote:

> Jacqueline,


> I believe the event Adelheid started discussion on was summer Crown  

> Tourney, which is scheduled to be a Northern or Central event this  

> time.


> Annabelle


> -----Original Message-----

> From: namron-bounces+eppersos=oge.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:namron-bounces+eppersos=oge.com at lists.ansteorra.org 

> ] On Behalf Of Jacqueline Reynolds

> Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 12:56 PM

> To: Barony of Namron Mailing List

> Cc: Skorragardr Mailing List on Yahoo on Yahoo

> Subject: [Namron] April Populace Notes


> Populace Notes--April 6, 2010


> Donnchadh (Baron)--This will be his last Populace meeting as Baron of

> Namron.  He is very proud of the Barony and everyone in it.  He

> his heartfelt goodbyes as Baron.


> Jacqueline (Seneschal)--We still have one open officer's

> position...Chronicler.  If you are interested, please give your

> application to me, our Baron & the NR Chronicler.  We also still

> an autocrat & feastocrat (tavern too) for Protectorate 2010.  We

> have an autocrat for GAA 2010.  They are Lord Linus & Lady

> In addition, I want to announce that I now have 2 new deputies...Lady

> Margharita and Lady Adelheid.


> Christopher ( Hospitaler)--Newcomer's Meeting was a huge success!

> Lots of newcomers joined us.  He wants to have a newcomer's

> at Baronial and Beltane.  Please get with him, if you would like to

> help.  He has to leave the meeting early due to some newcomers going

> to the Rapier & Scribal Night at Sellers Park.


> Lucas (Herald)--If you have any name or device submissions, see him.

> You also need to give the Treasurer a check for $8 to pay for the

> submission.


> Rob (Archery Marshal)--The archery brackstops have been working

> great.  They have cut down our arrow retrieval time to 5 minutes

> instead of 15 - 20.  Thank you to the Barony for approving the

> purchase of the backstops.


> Vincenti (TW Marshal)--He will be running 3 lanes of TW activities at

> Beltane to make things run smoother & faster.  Anyone interested

> participating in TW, see him.  We will be shooting at standing up

> targets, not on the ground ones.


> Ithrael (Chronicler)--I'm still accepting applications for my  

> position.


> Alexander (HW Marshal)--There will be a NR Fighter's practice at Camp

> DaKaNi on Sunday, April 11 over in the field by D'Alder's house.  He

> apologized for it conflicting with Cat & Orlando's plans for tent

> painting that day at Donnchadh's house.


> Linus (Webminister)--No business


> Adena (Treasurer)--We have about $8,000 in the bank right now.  That

> figure is before a few checks were written out tonight.  We are also

> still talking about getting new ridge poles for the GP tents and I've

> already purchased tubs for the tents.  We are thinking about putting

> easy to follow instructions in each tub (along with stakes, hammer,

> etc) so that everything will be in them that is needed to set-up the

> tent.


> Adelheid--Talked about an event coming up that the Queen said had no

> bids for it yet.  (Sorry, I can't remember the name of the event) and

> asked if we wanted to put in for it and she would be willing to

> autocrat it with someone.  Donnchadh mentioned Skorragardr was

> possibly interested in doing this event.


> Orlando/Cat (Incoming B&B)--talked about painting the Baronial

> Achievement on a tent, so that everyone could see it on the field etc,

> at Beltane.  The painting of the tent will be held at Donnchadh's

> house on April 11 after Baronial is over.




> These notes may not be complete and any mistakes or omissions are my

> own.  I'm writing these notes from memory of that evening and there

> may be bits of information that may have been left out.  I apologize

> if any important information was not included.  Please send me an

> addendum to this post, if there was something that was inadvertently

> overlooked.


> YIS,

> Lady Jacqueline Reynolds

> Seneschal--Namron





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