[Namron] Namron Officer Meeting Notes

Vallie Copley vallie.copley at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 19:19:15 PDT 2010

Here are the notes from the officers meeting on 7/19/10 sorry I was a little
late getting them out.

Barony of Namron Officer Meeting Notes –

Meeting was held on July 19th, 2010 at Barone Orlando and Baronessa
Caterina’s house

Welcome and meeting was conducted by Margherita da Mantua, Barony Seneschal.

Some of the upcoming event and activity reminder:

·         Grub & Garb – July 25th at the Masonic Lodge in Norman

·         Populace meeting – August 3rd

·         Waterwars – Come and battle in the cool water against Wiesenfeuer,
as we relax and have fun with our cousins to the north - August 15th

·         Namron Officers meeting August 16th

·         Grand Assembly of Archers at Camp DaKaNi on August 27th –
29th Planning
mtg at Vincenti & Margherita’s house on Saturday July 24th at 1pm

·         Gothic Wars - September 3rd – 5th – Sweetwater, TX

·         Protectorate – October 8th – 10th – Camp DaKaNi

·         Axeman VI – October 22nd – 24th  - Planning mtg Thursday, July 22
nd at Denny’s in Shawnee

Since this is not a planning meeting we are going to try to keep most of the
event information and planning to a minimum.

We are going to be focusing on goals and objectives for each officer and
time lines for those goals. In order to do that we are going to go through
each of the officers and ask what they are working on for project whether it
is scrolls for an event, fletching of arrows, loaner armor or whatever. We
will be looking for a completion of it or what the next step is and a
projected time frame for when it will be done. Please remember, these are
projected time frames and we all know that other things can take priority
and sometimes mundane life can interfere.

Seneschal – Margherita - I will go first. I am asking at this time that
anyone who wants to be a deputy seneschal to please contact not later than
July 25th by e-mail or phone to let me know of your interest. I will be
talking with each person to see what their expectations are and what mine
will be. These are working positions that will have duties to perform. I
plan to have at least one deputy and I hope to have two deputies selected by
our next populace meeting on August 3rd. I will also be having meetings with
several people prior to August 3rd to collect files, records, information,
plans, and reports. B&B asked what duties Margherita was looking at having
deputies do. Margherita said that a couple of the items include collecting
and tracking all waiver forms, creation and maintenance of a database that
will have all of the event venues showing where they are some of the primary
features, contact names and numbers and approximate cost for renting. And
also getting contracts for sites negotiated as early as possible. Baronessa
Caterina said that Margherita should get with Domi from Wiesenfeuer on site
information since she had collected a bunch of it. Margherita said that the
database will be kept and maintained by Namron but will be shared with the
other Baronies in the region and they will be encouraged to submit changes
and additions to the database.

            Thrown Weapons – Vincenti – I have selected Ciara (aka Beka) as
my new deputy and will be working with her for training and being able to
get her authorized as a Thrown Weapons Marshal. Vincenti will contact Arthur
Blackmoon and Ottokar to see if either of them will be able to come to GAA
(Grand Assembly of Archers) to get it done then.

            Archery – Robert – Wants to expand CA (Combat Archery) and start
conducting IKCAC (Inter-Kingdom Combat Archery Challenge) shoots. The goal
is to have the first shoot prior to GAA. To accomplish this targets have to
be made or purchased, it has been found out that Wiesenfeuer has 6 of these
targets and that we might be able to purchase 3 of them. Barone Orlando
asked what the biggest problem is for getting more people involved in CA,
Robert said that helms, crossbows, and especially bolts are the biggest
problems due to costs. Alexander stated that he has one helm ready now and
is working on being able to have more. Robert said that he will submit a
budget request at the September Officer meeting to the financial committee
for bolts.

            A&S – Droen – is going to create a skills list of A&S skills
that different people have and will have good list by the September Officer
meeting. She will also be adding links to museums for Namron’s website. She
also stated that she would like to have more displays of skills and things
that people work on, not for competition but for information and sharing so
that people can see what people do, how they do it, and who they can ask for
help if they want to do it also. Many of the techniques that will be
displayed will not be period techniques but will show how it is currently
done. Droen said that she is looking to see what can be done to make a
badge, or whatever that would be recognizable from a distance, that officers
could wear so that, new people especially, they could be found and spotted
easier.  Droen stated that due to travel she will not able to attend the
August Populace or the Officers meetings.

            Hospitaler – Christopher – Is working on a press kit that can be
used to help work with new people, newspapers, and different forms of
advertising so that we can get better publicity and recruit more people.
Christopher plans to have this done by the August Officer meeting so that he
can submit it to Margherita for review and approval. One of the things that
he will need help with is getting Boiler Plate information from each of the
officers about their activity. He is also working on Loaner Garb and wants
to have a good selection of generic garb by the end of 2010. Suggestions
were made and are being considered about trying to have a special gift for
new people that become paid members of the SCA.

            Webminister – Linus – Is working on getting website up to date.
He suffered a major setback on his efforts this last week. His computer got
a major virus and he lost a lot of information, including ALL of his old
e-mails. If anyone sent him information about updates that have not already
been done, PLEASE send them again. He does not have any way to go back and
find them. He knows that some of the requested updates were done but he has
no idea about the remainder of them. He is currently reviewing possible ways
to upgrade the current website and make it easier to use and update that
will not be html based. He plans to have updates done, officer pages done,
and a review of new website design protocols completed by the September
Officer meeting.

            Knights Marshal – Alexander – the classes at Fighter Practice
have gone very well and drew in more fighters and interest. He is talking
with a number of skilled fighters in the area to arrange a class schedule.
He is making an inventory of current serviceable loaner gear. Both of these
will be completed by the August Officers meeting.

            Chronicler – Lyric – working on her first edition of The Plume.
Lyric is working with a couple of people right now in getting this
accomplished. She has decided to set a deadline for all articles that people
may want to include in The Plume as the 25th of each month, this will not be
a floating deadline that will change based on when the Populace meeting is
it will remain the same every month. She also wants to work with the
Webminister to make The Plume and the website more alike. Her big goal right
now is having The Plume printed and ready to be handed out at the next
Populace meeting.

            Rapier – Jacq – was not able to make the meeting. No updates at
this time.

Grand Assembly of Archers – Special notes – The Northern Regional Archery
Marshal will be in attendance and anyone that wants to be able to get
authorized an Archery Marshal needs to be studying now and getting with
Robert to be able to come to archery and practice running the range.
Vincenti is sending a message to Arthur Blackmoon and Ottokar to see if they
will be attending and if they will be able to have an authorization range
setup to become Thrown Weapons Marshal.

Axeman VI – Barone Orlando wants to start focusing on Youth Activities. We
have a number of youth in Namron that come to events and we should make sure
that we have some things going for them. Right now Namron is weak in this
area. Vincenti stated that we just received an offer yesterday from a couple
of Boffer marshals to come to Axeman and run a Boffer Tourney for us if we
will make range and time arrangements. Our B&B both said they want this to
happen and that we will need to work on the schedule to make it possible.
Our B&B stated that they have discussed it with the other local B&Bs and
Axeman will get to host the Annual Baroness Toy Tourney!

Protectorate – site is up and going. Status of site contract is unknown.
Candilyn will be doing water bearing, Planning meeting will be the 2nd week
in August, exact date is not yet known. They are looking at adding another
porta-potty over in the camping area.

The status of each of these projects will be reviewed each month, completion
dates maybe changed and new ones will be added.

Comments, suggestions were invited from anyone in attendance.

Barone Orlando and Baronessa Caterina thanked everyone for coming and for
the efforts and time that everyone puts in to their offices.

If any items were incorrectly listed or missing please contact:

Margherita de Mantua

Barony of Namron, Seneschal
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