[Namron] [Fwd: [Redtape] Fwd: [Ansteorra-Seneschals] Round Table Schedule]

Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 21:56:09 PDT 2010

FYI for those that are wanting to go to Round Table this weekend


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Redtape] Fwd: [Ansteorra-Seneschals] Round Table Schedule
Date: 	Mon, 12 Jul 2010 17:38:25 -0500
From: 	Kingdom Seneschal <seneschal at ansteorra.org>
Reply-To: 	Officers of Ansteorra <redtape at lists.ansteorra.org>
To: 	Officers of Ansteorra <redtape at lists.ansteorra.org>
<AANLkTilxTk-7OiqWrYhhhPYOJelvDhf6q2pdQ8T5T6N5 at mail.gmail.com>
<OF46674833.1B7E3CFB-ON8525775E.006B50A5-8625775E.006BBDBD at prudential.com>

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Crystal Lemming" <crystal.lemming at prudential.com 
> <mailto:crystal.lemming at prudential.com>>
> Date: Jul 12, 2010 2:37 PM
> Subject: [Ansteorra-Seneschals] Round Table Schedule
> To: "Seneschals within Ansteorra" 
> <ansteorra-seneschals at lists.ansteorra.org 
> <mailto:ansteorra-seneschals at lists.ansteorra.org>>
> Notes:
> There will likely be at least one update.  All updates will be posted 
> Thursday.  
> The room numbers are arbitrary.  Actual room numbers (if available) 
> will be posted Thursday.  Otherwise, refer to the hard copy handouts 
> on site.
> Conal
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