[Namron] Fwd: [Chemin-noir] (no subject)

aoife at cableone.net aoife at cableone.net
Mon Jul 12 16:43:23 PDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: connie hatcher <blueangle at att.net>
To: chemin-noir at lists.ansteorra.org
Sent: Mon Jul 12 23:12
Subject: Fwd: [Chemin-noir] (no subject)

Greetings All:

I am sad the announce that on July the 7th 2010 in the evening, our 
member Lady Toriea had multiple strokes and was admitted to the 
hospital. She is now home, but she has suffered some ability loss with 
her left side hand and leg.  She will be dropping out of the SCA for 
medical reason permanently.  If anyone is needing full set up of a light
 fighter helm, hood, gloves and protector jacket for a small to medium person 
please let John Shearhart Jr. know, she will
 be selling the stuff together for 100.00.  Any garb that she has will 
be up for takes too if anyone needs it at no cost on the garb.

---- Msg sent via CableONE.net MyMail - http://www.cableone.net
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