[Namron] [NR] Returning to the Field

David Reynolds lucas_mor_mac_raghnaill at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 21 19:38:19 PDT 2010

Please cross post.
Well we are somewhere between 5 and 7 months out from Eisteddfod, depending on who is awarded the bid.  I want to give everyone ample time to prepare for the first round.  
Round 1 will be what I am calling a persona piece. The piece must relate somehow to your persona.  This topic could include a variety of options.  Let's say for example, you are a 16th century highland Scotsman.  You could perform a poem by William Dunbar or one of the other Scottish makaris.  You could perform an original piece in a period Scottish style, spoken or sung.  You could perform a piece in a non-period style about some event of Scottish history or your clan.  You could perform a piece about some aspect of Scottish culture.  Documentation as to how this relates to your persona will be expected.  As in years past, documentation is not expected to be up A&S competition level, that is what Kingdom A&S is for.  
However, at the end of the day we are an educational group.  By the end of your performance, I want to have learned something.  
All things being equal (which they rarely are), particularly the performance quality, in all rounds judging preference will be given to period style pieces.  Furthermore, preference will be given to original pieces over pieces written by someone else.  If one performer does an original piece in a non-period style (though ideally not blatantly modern) and another performs a piece written by a period bard..... ahhhhh that's where the hard part of judging comes in.  Additionally, if you write and original piece in a period style, but it bores everyone to tears you likely won't win, just because your piece was well documented.  
Later rounds and competition format will be announced at periodic intervals between now and Eisteddfod.  However, I wanted to give all competitors a head start on preparing for the first round.
Thank you,
Lucas mor mac Raghnaill

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. 
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