[Namron] Garb & Grub

Sybilla van Brugh Sybilla at firemoonglass.com
Wed May 5 21:11:16 PDT 2010

I will gladly bring our popup and a table.




From: namron-bounces+sybilla=firemoonglass.com at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:namron-bounces+sybilla=firemoonglass.com at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of Kirsten Pupek
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 11:37 AM
To: skorragardr list; namron at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Namron] [SkorragardrVirtualSkald] Populace Meeting notes, 04
May 10


Greetings all,
I do have one small correction to Bubba's minutes although it is not his
fault and was not incorrectly reported, but the information we have has
changed since last night. Both of the pavilions were booked for the garb and
grub date at Reeves park, so we will be meeting in the open area  next to
the war memorial and using popups instead. Anyone who has popups and can
bring them it would be greatly appreciated. The rest of the details are
pertaining to the garb and grub are correct. Please also remember to bring
chairs and we will also need a few tables to put food on and such. 

I have also had several people offer to teach A and S classes at the May
garb and grub! Lord Bucello will teach a wire weaving class and HL Kyna will
teach a class (subject yet to be determined). Anyone else interested in
teaching a class please contact me off list at dnk_p at hotmail.com

We look forward to seeing you all there!
Baronessa Caterina

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