[Namron] A&S Happenings!

Heather / Droen wolfyheather at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 2 23:19:03 PDT 2010

Greetings to the Populace of Namron!  

I wanted to let everyone know what the official Namron A&S schedule looks like 
for the next few months.  All meetings begin at 7:00 pm and will be held at my 
humble abode unless noted otherwise.  If you have any questions or would like to 
request a class, please contact me directly!  Also, I wanted to say that even if 
you are not interested in the specific class being taught, you are more than 
welcome to attend the meeting just to socialize and work on your own (quiet) A&S 
projects.  Should you be interested in teaching (doesn't have to be hands-on), I 
would love to hear from you!

November 8th - 
HE Adena will be teaching crewel embroidery.  Crewel Embroidery, or Crewelwork, 
is a decorative form of surface embroidery using wool and a variety of different 
embroidery stitches to follow a design outline applied to the fabric. It is 
relatively quick to do and looks fantastic, so come ready to learn!

December 13th - 
This meeting will be held at the Hidden Castle (1309 24th Ave SW, Norman, OK 
73072) to make full use of their large working area.
We will be painting new signs for the Barony to put out for events.  Also, we 
will have sewing machines and fabric to work on some of the B&B's list of 
projects given out at the November Populace meeting.  Come out and help the 

January 10th -
This meeting will be held at Baron Donnchadh's home
HE Donnchadh will be teaching silk painting for banners and the like.

February 7th (since the second Monday is Valentine's day, we will be shifting 
this meeting up a bit)
HE Annabelle Marie Fitzsimmons will be teaching inkle weaving.  
In order to have enough supplies prepared, we are going to have to know about 
class attendance ahead of time.  Please contact me by Feb. 1 at the absolute 
latest to let me know if you would like to attend (and want to have a kit to 
learn with).  If you do not need or want a supply kit, you are more than welcome 
to just show up the night of the class to chat with us and share any knowledge 
you may have about this wonderful art!

Finally, I made a request at populace tonight for donations to create a kind of 
"loaner gear" for A&S.   I would like to keep the Barony of Namron from having 
to foot the bill  for this - and I know we all have A&S supplies and tools that 
are  just sitting unused in our craft rooms and closets that we've been  wanting 
to get rid of.  What I'm looking for are general supplies and tools that would 
be used by a beginner looking to learn more about a given art without having a 
huge outlay of cash.  Any tools (this includes looms, kumihimo boards, etc) will 
be the property of the Barony and will have to be checked out and returned.  
Supplies will be free to those just beginning in a craft or if they are used to 
create prizes or items for Baronial use.  Donations of money will be accepted to 
help purchase storage and supplies.  If you have anything you would like to 
donate, please contact me either via email or phone (664-6525) and we can 
arrange a time and place for pick up.

Lady Droen O'Rourke
Namron Minister of Arts & Science

I have a personal calendar of A&S events that I keep updated here: 
namronmoas at gmail.com calendar
( http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=bmFtcm9ubW9hc0BnbWFpbC5jb20 )

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