[Namron] Naming the North - Pride

SBarrett barrett1 at cox.net
Sat Sep 18 03:56:01 PDT 2010

Ld. Gunnar brings up an excellent question...

"I don't want to offend, but aren't people proud of being from Namron and 
Ansteorra?  I don't really see the need to add yet another name to the mix.  I 
personally am proud to call Namron my home and if I am asked I tell them it is 
in the Northern region.  I don't understand the need to differentiate (sp?) any 
further.  We are all Ansteorrans' aren't we?

Ld Gunnar"

First of, I'm only answering for myself. One of the primary reasons these talks have begun to is to fully consider all sides of the issue, so I'm not capable or interested in trying to provide a consensus answer.

This is just me talkin'.

Midrealm (the Middle Kingdom) has regions like we do, and they each have names and somewhat distinct cultures and traditions. 
I doubt you'll find many Midrealmers who don't refer to themselves via their region, and also don't hold a deep loyalty to the Midrealm.
The regions of the Midrealm have pride in their groups, regions and their kingdom, a lot of pride. Ask any Easterner.

Midrealm residents aren't in an either/or situation. There is plenty of pride and devotion in these groups for all aspects of their homelands. You don't have to take from one to give to another.

We don't ask household members if they aren't proud to be Ansteorrans, or members of Namron, Weisenfeuer, etc.

Ansteorra sprang frpm Atenveldt, grew into a principality, and soon afterwards became a kingdom, and yet to this day the phrase used to describe Atenveldt in Ansteorra is "Mother Aten". The Lions of Ansteorra trace their lineage back to Atenveldt. Ansteorra still holds a tender spot in her collective heart for Atenveldt, even though she eventually went her own way.

We aren't even talking that - just regional identity, like the Midrealm, yet here is an example of Ansteorra herself showing deep pride in her roots despite being a fully recognized kingdom. Cultural pride isn't a limited commodity.

It is sort of like being a human, an American and an Oklahoman. Being American doesn't mean you aren't proud of your humanity, and being an Oklahoman doesn't mean America isn't good enough - in fact, the response is usually quite the reverse.

Second, you asked about the need to differentiate (and no, I've no idea if spelled it right, either).
 It has been pointed out that the kingdom already divides us regionally, not only administratively but on the battle field as well.
Since we're already separated thus, why not have better titles than mundane terms like North, Central and South? A small and silly example, but it helps make the point - Namron didn't just have a shed, they had Phred the Shed.
Having a more resounding name other than the Northern Region adds to the game, the pomp, the richness and character of the experience.

So, I will give you my personal answer to your original question;
Yes, I am proud to be an Ansteorran - Have been since 1990. I called myself an Ansteorran in every Kingdom Uncle Sam sent me to.
Yes, I am proud to have called Namron home for a time - one of the best times I ever had in the game, and the first place that felt like home,... still does.
Yes, I am proud to call Weisenfeuer home now - They have welcomed me and my lady like kinfolk.
Yes, I am proud to call the people of Northkeep, Eldern Hills, Mooneschadowe, Chemin Noir, Skorragardr, Brad Leah, Bonwicke and Adlersruhe my neighbors - They all have a fantastic hospitality and terrific energy.
Yes, I am proud to be a resident of this region - This is where the rest of the kingdom comes to have fun, according to them, anyway.

I am equally proud and humbled by all of these.

Thank you for bringing this up, Ld. Gunnar. 

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