[Namron] Wiesenfeuer Baronial volunteers

Kimberlee Friend pirateladyeltd at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 4 12:14:48 PDT 2011

Wiesenfeuer Baronial Championship is fast approaching there is the gate that 
needs to be tended, pavillions to be raised, heralds to herald, water to be 
borne to all contestants of the various lists and those lists need to be 
ministered.  And people to help put the site back in order on Sunday. We'd love 
to have you come out for a weekend of fun and we'd be excited if you could 
volunteer to help out for an hour or two.  

I know I've already spoke to several people at Populace, Gulf Wars and Med 
Faire, if those gentles could shoot me an email to confirm that'd be great.
We are also still collecting items for the 6 gifts baskets for the current 
Champions.  Please let the autocrats know if you have something you'd like to 

A gathering at the storage shed to retrieve items needed for the event will be 
announced soon.

Site opens at 4pm  Friday April 8th
The pavillions and list field set up (the more the merrier): 
Water barers (the more the merrier):
List Mistress/Minister:
Those wanting to help with field heraldry or camp announcements:
If you'd like to help out with feast please contact the feast-o-crats either 
Lady Caldha,  ladycaldha1 at cox.net  or HL Ciaran, chaosbard at hotmail.com
Gate shifts two hours slots.  If you want to stay longer that's great, if you 
can only help out for an hour well that will work too!  I will have a sign-up 
sheet at Wiesenfeuer Populace tonight as well.
Friday 4pm – 6: 
Friday 6pm -8:
Friday 8pm – 10:
Friday 10pm – 12:
Saturday 12 a.m. – 2:
Saturday 2 a.m. – 4:
Saturday 4 a.m. – 6:
Saturday 6 a.m. – 8:
Saturday 8 a.m. – 10:
Saturday 10 a.m. – 12:
Thanks for everything!
Deirdre ni'Raghailligh
Valia of the Mist

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