[Namron] Beltane Prize Baskets...

Heather / Droen wolfyheather at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 14 13:44:44 PDT 2011

Good afternoon!

I am putting out a call for items to place in our prize baskets for Beltane.  We 
will need 5 baskets for our champions - appropriate prize items of all types are 
welcome.  :)  Anything on theme for the event or the champion positions would be 

I will not be around during the week, but I'll be home this weekend and next 
weekend to collect stuff - or you can get it to me at the event Friday night or 
Saturday during the day.

Thanks in advance to our generous and talented groups,
Lady Droen O'Rourke
Namron Minister of Arts & Science 
(and the person in charge of prize baskets for Beltane)
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