[Namron] Pennsic 40 class schedule in iCal format

Michael Graff explorer at flame.org
Thu Jul 14 15:28:38 PDT 2011

As I have done in previous years, I have converted the Pennsic 40
calendar into iCal format which should be usable by many devices and
calendaring systems.

It is available as described on http://www.flame.org/pennsic40/

I plan on updating this up to the moment Pennsic ends, as best I can.
There are still some glitches to be worked out, but overall the data is
consistent in what the scheduler is publishing in their spreadsheets and
should be very usable.

I hoped to make a "custom class schedule builder" but never got around
to doing this; it is hard given how the data is published.  That said,
if anyone wants to assist in a Ruby on Rails application, please contact
me directly at explorer at flame.org.

Please pass along this message to anyone you think may be interested.


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