[Namron] Fundraiser at populace meeting

Michael Coone felemid.macphail at gmail.com
Mon Jan 23 18:20:10 PST 2012

raffle laws for OK .......  this is from the state by laws ... as from what
i read we can unless we are not up to date on registering as non profit ...

A. A lottery is any scheme for the disposal or distribution of property by
chance among persons who have paid, or promised, or agreed to pay any
valuable consideration for the chance of obtaining such property, or a
portion of it, or for any share of or interest in such property, upon any
agreement, understanding or expectation that it is to be distributed or
disposed of by a lot or chance, whether called a lottery, a raffle, or a
gift enterprise, or by whatever name the same may be known. "Valuable
consideration" shall be construed to mean money or goods of actual
pecuniary value. Provided, it shall not be a violation of the lottery or
gambling laws of this state for:

1. A bona fide resident merchant or merchants of a city or town, acting in
conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce or Commercial Club of this state
thereof, to issue free of charge numbered tickets on sales of merchandise,
the corresponding stub of one or more of which tickets to be drawn or
chosen by lot by a representative or representatives of said Chamber of
Commerce or of said Commercial Club in the manner set forth on said
tickets, the numbered stub or stubs so drawn to entitle the holder of the
corresponding numbered issued ticket to a valuable prize donated by said

2. A bona fide community chest welfare fund on a military post or
reservation to issue numbered tickets in conjunction with voluntary
contributions to said fund, the corresponding stub or stubs of one or more
of said tickets to be drawn by lot under the supervision of a military
commander, the stub or stubs so drawn entitling the ticket holder to a
prize of some value. Provided however, that no person shall sell tickets or
receive contributions to said fund off the military reservation; or

3. a. A qualified organization to raise funds by issuing numbered tickets
in conjunction with voluntary contributions to the qualified organization,
the corresponding stub or stubs of one or more of the tickets to be drawn
by lot under the supervision of an official of the qualified organization,
the stub or stubs so drawn entitling the ticket holder to a prize. As used
in this paragraph, "qualified organization" means:

(1) a church,

(2) a public or private school accredited by the State Department of
Education or registered by the State Board of Education for purposes of
participating in federal programs,

(3) a student group or organization affiliated with a public or private
school qualified pursuant to division (2) of this subparagraph,

(4) a parent-teacher association or organization affiliated with a public
or private school qualified pursuant to division (2) of this subparagraph,

(5) fire departments,

(6) police departments,

(7) organizations that are exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions
of subsection (c) of Section 501 of the United States Internal Revenue
Code, as amended, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c) et seq., or

*(8) an "organization" as such term is defined in paragraph 20 of Section
402 of Title 3A of the Oklahoma Statutes.*

b. Any raffle conducted by a qualified organization shall be conducted by
members of the qualified organization without compensation to any member.
The organization shall not hire or contract with any person or business
association, corporation, partnership, limited partnership or limited
liability company to conduct a raffle, to sell raffle tickets or to solicit
contributions in connection with a raffle on behalf of the organization.

B. If the Oklahoma Education Lottery Act ceases to have the force and
effect of law pursuant to Section 36 of the Oklahoma Education Lottery Act,
the provisions of paragraph 3 of subsection A of this section shall cease
to have the force and effect of law.
*paragraph 20 of Section 402 of Title 3A of the Oklahoma Statutes*

*20.  "Organization" means a religious, charitable, labor, fraternal,
educational, or other type of association or any branch, lodge, chapter, or
auxiliary of such association which:
a.    operates without profit to its members,
b.    has been in existence and been operating as a nonprofit organization
for not less than two (2) years prior to applying for an organization
c.    is exempt from taxation pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (3),
(4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), or (19) of subsection (c) of Section
501 or paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Section 509 of the United States
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, 26 U.S.C., Section 501(c) et
seq. or Section 509(a)(1), and
d.    formulates bylaws which clearly identify and establish:
(1)    method of electing officers and their duties,
(2)    method by which members are elected, initiated or admitted,
(3)    the rights and privileges of each member,
(4)    that each member has one vote, and
(5)    that membership rights are personal to the member and not assignable;

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Margaret Decker <m.p.decker at att.net> wrote:

> **
> Before we get carried away, unless the laws of the State of Oklahoma have
> changed since I looked last, raffles are illegal in this state.
> Baroness Margarite
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