[Namron] Yard sale thanks

Cynthia Teague cmt1708 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 20:43:16 PDT 2013

The yard sale is winding down, as we are packing up the leftovers, and I
want to take this chance to thank all the members of the populace who
worked so hard on this.  Their Excellencies Baron Ulf and Baroness Maleah,
Lady Kersten and Lord Cornelius, and Lady Valena stored donations in their
homes.  They, Her Excellency Baroness Annabelle and others sorted them to
determine what would suit our affected families and what would not.  Then
when we decided to hold the yard sale, Baroness Maleah, Baroness Margarite,
Lord Vincenti and Lady Margherita, and Ann Marie Eckert offered tables and
clothes racks, and searched their homes for other items to donate.  Baron
Orlando brought a popup which allowed us to shade many of the sale tables
during the heat of the day on Friday and to keep the books dry on
Saturday.  On the days of the sale many people came and worked, including
Baroness Margarite who was invaluable as our cashier, Lady Valena, Lord
Loemax, and Lady Kyna.  On Friday Lord Steven brought his firepit and kept
us fed with hot dogs and brats and sold them to customers as well.  On
Saturday Lord Bo brought his leatherwork and Lord Danr set up his Norse
tent, in order to attract people to the sale.  The leatherwork in
particular got lots of attention.  Baroness Maleah, Baroness Ayesha, and
Lady Valena answered my call for more non-clothing items on Friday
afternoon and Saturday morning; that really helped to round the sale out.
Special thanks to Lady Valena who has been at my house almost every day for
a week, bringing things over, working on the sale itself, and boxing up the
tremendous amount of leftovers.

The sale was very successful -- we cleared $871 for the tornado relief
fund.  This will allow us to pass on the generosity of the Ansteorran
populace to our tornado-affected families, even though many of the
donations were not directly usable by those people.

Because we have such a great quantity high-quality clothes remaining, and
because relief sites and thrift stores in the area are drowning in clothes
right now, we have decided to store the remaining items and hold another
sale. Lady Kathryn atte Unicorn has generously offered us the space to do
so.  We anticipate having the sale in August, probably during the city-wide
garage sale weekend, although details are not yet firm.  So keep that in
mind as you clean closets and garages this summer -- we'll need your extra
items in a couple of months.

If there is anyone who I have failed to thank by name, please forgive me.
I am very grateful for all the support in this last-minute project.

In service,

Lady Vigdis
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