[Namron] December Namron A & S Class-Monday December 14th at 6:30 pm

Vallie Copley via Namron namron at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Dec 11 10:08:37 PST 2015


Please join us for this months monthly Arts and Science meeting held on
Monday December 14th at 6:30 pm at the West Wind Unitarian Univeralist
Church at 1309 West Boyd Norman, OK. Also Open Arts and Science will also
be going on, if you have a project come and work on it.

The class will be on "How to make a Viking Hedby Bag"  taught by HE Kyna
Terricsdottir.  HE Kyna will have materials available and wooden handles to
make a bag, the cost is $10 per bag.

Come out and learn how to make a Hedby Bag.  See you on Monday.


Namron Minister of Arts and Science
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