[Namron] Medieval Fair Demo Bid and Beltane 2019 Event Bid

Seneschal of Namron seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org
Wed Aug 8 15:03:23 PDT 2018

 We are now accepting bids for the Norman Medieval Fair Demo and Beltane.
Bids are due by the October populace meeting (October 4, 2018). See below
for more information on both and contact seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org if
you have any questions.

   - Medieval Fair will be April 5-7, 2019 at Reaves Park in Norman.
   - Please include a demo budget and a summary of ideas and your plans for
      the event in the bid. Please remember to include the performer amount
      (contact the seneschal for the estimated amount), revel port-a-potty
      expense, and other demo expenses in your budget.
      - Bids need to be turned into the financial committee (
      treasurer at namron.ansteorra.org, seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org,
      baron at namron.ansteorra.org, baroness at namron.ansteorra.org, we will
      forward it to the at-large members) by 8 pm on October 4, 2018.

   - Beltane will be May 3-5, 2019 at Camp DaKaNi in Oklahoma City.
   - Please include an event budget and a summary of ideas and your plans
      for the event in the bid. Please include the site fee (contact the
      seneschal for the estimated amount) as well as trailer hauling fees,
      propane, and other event expenses in your budget.
      - Bids need to be turned into the financial committee (
      treasurer at namron.ansteorra.org, seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org,
      baron at namron.ansteorra.org, baroness at namron.ansteorra.org, we will
      forward it to the at-large members) by 8 pm on October 4, 2018.

Lady Uliana
(mka Julia Haiduk)
Seneschal, Barony of Namron
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