[Namron] From the Kingdom Seneschal

Seneschal of Namron seneschal at namron.ansteorra.org
Sat Jun 6 10:27:50 PDT 2020

The following was read into law at Their Majesties Ansteorra's Court today.

"At this time, in consulting with the Society Seneschal and our Kingdom
Seneschal, We, the Crown of Ansteorra do hearby issue a Temporary Removal
from Participation from the Society of Creative Anachronism to Wolfgang von
Sancshenhausen, known as John Keller mundanely.  This ruling precludes this
individual from attendance or participation in any manner at any SCA
activity, event, practice, or official gathering for any reason, at any
time.  This includes a ban on participation in officially recognized SCA
social media sites, officially recognized SCA email lists, and officially
recognized SCA webpages."

Please note, this covers all SCA activity, within and without Ansteorra.
This is Society wide.
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