NR - Lurking...

Hans Schroeder quasar at
Fri Apr 3 08:28:07 PST 1998

don't you have anything better to do than lurke....  ;)

lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke, lurke

{hmmm... I really must be bored...}
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Carl Chipman <cchipman at>
    To: northern at Ansteorra.ORG <northern at Ansteorra.ORG>
    Date: Friday, April 03, 1998 1:08 AM
    Subject: NR - Lurking...
    Jean Paul
    (with apologies to Timo)
    Carl Chipman
    Nomadics, Inc.

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