NR - Wastelands Games

claryce at claryce at
Sun Apr 26 06:55:09 PDT 1998

Greetings from Baroness Claryce,

Well, if you missed the Wastelands Games this weekend you missed a wonderful,
fun, and relaxing event.  

First of all, half of the rapier community ended up in "bed" with the other half of 
the rapier community.  (Along with various assorted ladies, weapons, and pillows).  
The most creative escape was the gentleman who rolled under the bed and out the 
"door" to escape punishment from the irate "husband".  (I showed up while this was 
already going on, but I enjoyed the amount of this game that I saw.)

The heavy weapons fighters had what is called "sheep-ball" game, with amazingly 
similarities to a certain mundane ball game involving a pigskin.  We were 
particularly amused by the long-pass from one side of the listfield to a fighter by 
the goal lines.  Particularly since the "sheep" was a fairly stout stuffed sheep, 
that was probably more than a little hard to throw.  (I also chuckled at the 
resurrection rules: count 1-sheep, 2-sheep, 3-sheep, 4-sheep, 5, and you're back on 
you're feet).  It looked like the fighters were also having a great time with the 

Upon a long hike uphill to the equestian, I discovered that a game was set up that 
combined the equestrian games with an obstacle course.  You first tilted at 3 rings, 
then picked a spear and attempted to spear a troll with the spear.  Then, after 
knocking off a saracen head, the horse had to cross a "water hazard" (simulated by a 
piece of blue plastic on the ground).  A few more heads later, and the horse and 
rider had to go in between a tight keyhole pattern on the ground to rescue this 
"maiden" who was hanging from a pole.  Once the maiden was draped over the saddle, 
the rescuer must knock off a few more heads, and head for the exit.  This was a lot 
of fun to watch.

The wench race was hilarious.  The object of the game was to run to a metal 
container, fill up a pitcher of water, then run back to a table, where the wenchs 
had to fill several cups of water, then run back to the barrel empty handed.  Since 
this was a fairly hot day, a lot of the water ended up being thrown at each other as 
the race continued.  One creative youngster started dipping the glasses into the 
pitcher, which shaved off *a lot* of time. The finale' was when Lord Dyab and Lord 
Donavan were requested by His Highness to run the wench race. Then ran to the far 
end, and instead of filling the pitchers, just grabbed the metal bucket, and fought 
for possession of the entire bucket of water.  I don't know how they
did it, but they managed to spill every drop of water from the bucket *without* 
getting any water on themselves. An amazing feat considering the way that bucket was 
swinging around. After long consideration (a few seconds) I decided to ban them from 
working the tavern at Namron Beltaine.  After all, with that shining example of 
serving drinks, who knows what could happen....  ;)

The bardic competition was wonderful, the feast was wonderful, but I missed the 
"grovelling" competition, but it sounded like some very tall tales of woe were being 
shared with the populace.  I had to leave early, but I'm sure that the fun continued 
through the night.

Vivat Wastelands.  This was a truly wonderful, very fun event.

Mistress Claryce Rapheal Orfevre,
Baroness of Namron 

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