NR - Medieval Fair claryce at
Fri Feb 27 20:46:17 PST 1998

Greetings unto the Northern Region,

The annual Medieval Fair held at the University of Oklahoma will soon be upon us.

Her Excellency and I are trying very hard to make this year one of the best ever, and to this 
end I would like to make a few requests.

We would like to request that EVERY group (Barony, Canton, Shire ect.)please lend us your groups 
banner so that we may form an arched walkway with the devices of the different branches lining 
the sides.  

We would also request that every group send us a clear map to your populace meeting, and other 
events (fighter practice, a&s, dance, ect.) with instructions to at least your pop. meeting.  
Don't forget to include the time and dates of your meetings as well. Also please include the 
phone number for your groups' local Hospitaler. 

The medieval fair draws people from all over the country. We feel that it would be very nice as 
well as handy to have all the available information on any given group in the North. This also 
saves us from having to hunt down someone from a given area (if possible), and then drawing a 
hand written map on the back of a napkin :)

Namron will also have an Arts and Sciences display pavillion. We would encourage anyone who 
would like, to please bring various pieces for display. We do have lockable display cases for 
fragile or valuable items.

We in Namron feel that this event is critical to the continued growth of the Northern Region.
This is the main event where we recieve most of our new people. This is the main Northern event 
where the public at large can see first hand what the Dream is like, and recieve a small taste 
of what life is like in these current Middle Ages.

Please join us on the first weekend in April (3,4,5) for some of the finest acts of chivalry, 
duello, and pagentry. The Fair will run from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

If you need crash space, please feel free to contact Claryce and myself. (405)447-2661 (please 
no calls after 10pm) or email us at your leisure.

Remember, todays' acts of kindness and valor ARE tomorrow's golden days.

In Service to Barony, Kingdom, and Dream
We remain,
Aethelstan & Claryce
Baron and Baroness of Namron

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