NR - Court & Herald Idea

Scott Powers spowers at
Sun Sep 27 10:18:07 PDT 1998

>Here's another idea.  How about if feast was less a "social" time and
>more a time for everyone to get together and enjoy special
>presentations and/or special performances (bardic, dance, other).
>Personally, I miss getting to see the best our performing artists
>have to offer.  Just a  thought....
>-  Kat  >"<

Can't say I'm crazy about that idea.  Feast is often the only time I get to
visit with many people, since I or they are usually working the rest of the
time.  Not that the bards and such don't have something nice to offer, mind
you.  I just want to be able to relax and enjoy the company of my friends
during feast.

Also, those people who are performing would have to miss part or all of the
feast.  Sometimes they do not mind.  But sometimes they do.

I have on occassion been a performer (instumental music).  But when we
perform, it is just background music.  We don't expect everyone to stop
talking with their friends just to listen to us.

You know, I really don't think that long courts are that much of a problem,
at least not here in the north.  Northern Regional was kind of an exception
because there was the King and Queen and all four Baronies.  And I don't
really mind a long court about once a year, not for something like that
anyway.  Most Northern courts are much, much shorter.  So I don't really
see a problem with length, as long as everyone doing the presenting or
speaking makes sure their topic is something of interest to everyone.


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