ANST-Announce - The New Web Site

Krzysztof Kopernik kopernik at
Wed Jan 19 23:06:18 PST 2000

Greetings to the Kingdom of Ansteorra,

I wanted to let you all know where we stand and how we are progressing as
regards the new web site and kingdom server.  I will not bore you with mundane
details, but the new site is up and running.  Some of you have expressed
concern that certain pages are not appearing or files are being reported as
"File Not Found".  All I can tell you at this point is to be patient.  The
process is going as fast and as smooth as it can.  Pug is doing the best he
can, but these things take time and some problems are out of his control.  I
honestly do not know all that must be done to get the server operating at peak
performance, but I do know it can be tedious and time-consuming work.  

As for the design and implementation of the web itself, I can give you an idea
of where we are headed, but I cannot give you an exact time table.  Currently,
my regional virtual scribes and I are trying to set up their groups' sites so
they can better facilitate the transition from the group's ISP to the new
server.  While I am not sure when this will actually take place, pages are
being set up for each group that will display contact information so people
will still be able to contact the local seneschal in case problems occur.  I
have also modified the old groups page and made a link to it.  You can still
find this page on the groups section of the site.

In the not-too-distant future, I want to build sites for all kingdom-level
offices.  This is a large project to undertake on my own so I will be asking
all of you to help if you can.  I am not a Laurel, Pelican, nor am I Knight or
Rapier or Heavy or any other type of fighter.  I am not a Seneschal nor have I
held any other office other than the one I hold now.  What this means is that I
am not an expert in these areas.  While I can design something that looks good,
I still do not know what really needs to go on this page or that.  Someone with
extensive Marshal experience should design that part of the web.  I can
certainly help when needed, but the content is foreign to me.  The same holds
true for any other part of the site you find as "This part of the Ansteorran
web coming soon." including the Orders, Heraldry, and forms sections.

Once things have settled down a bit, I will begin the creation of a site map,
message board, and image archive.  I have also rolled around the idea of
setting up a general archive of images, old html files, and any other files for
our future reference.  These ideas are far in the future.  

Also, I wanted to mention that all of the files that were on the old server are
on the new server and all are active.  If you access the site and some of the
pages are "Not Found", I again ask you to be patient.  The files really are
there.  They are as current as I can make them, and I have done all I can to
ensure the information you want is available.

Thank you all for allowing me to serve Ansteorra.  

In Service,

Krzysztof Kopernik
Virtual Scribe, Kingdom of Ansteorra
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