NR - Principality or Not?

Pug Bainter pug at
Thu Sep 7 20:07:45 PDT 2000

margot k-k (catrin at said something that sounded like:
> A question was asked of me at Eldern's pop meeting Tues.  If/when it comes
> to a polling of the Northern populace on the Principality, who gets to vote?
> Sustaining?  All paid members?  Everybody?  I don't know the answer to give
> to that question.

There is polling and there is voting. These are two different things as
I understand it.

Polling is done of everybody.
Voting is only of the subscribing/sustaning members.

Family members and Associate members don't count in the final population
numbers and what not. They are taken into account in borderline cases,
but only as an item of interest to help push a group over the edge.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase   | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something 
Bryn Gwlad - Ansteorra |  graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with 
Dark Horde Moritu      |  vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at            |  beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"
  Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
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