NR - Offline

Tadhg tadhg at
Sat Feb 3 01:16:38 PST 2001

Greetings to one and all.

In life we make mistakes...both of commission and of omission.

As you can see from my previous post, I have certainly made several all at

1)  I replied to a private post in a public forum...for which I owe Baroness
Cerdiwen my
humblest apologies;

2)  I have aired my perceptions of the dirty laundry of this region...along
with a GREAT
venting of spleen...for which I owe all the people on this list my sincerest

Any concerns of mine should have been dealt with privately.  And the timing
of such
a post could not be worse with the controversy of Northern Regional Tribute
having just

Though I wish I could take the last post back, perhaps it is for the best in
the long run. Many
things which I have kept to myself of late have festered.  I have not been
open with Ariane
and Duncan...obviously, that has changed now.  And maybe now we can do as
admonishes us...communicate.  I, for one, have been remiss in that area.

Please!  Any comments regarding the post send directly to me.  One blustery,
old fool is enough...don't let what I said incite this list.

Sincerest apologies,
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