[NR] Northern Region Calendar

CelticNorthStar at aol.com CelticNorthStar at aol.com
Mon Jul 23 09:32:13 PDT 2001

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Greetings all to the Great Populace of the Northern Region,

This past weekend at the great revel that was held , House Celtic NorthStar
was proud to be able to unveil our creation of the Northern Ansteorra 2002
This project was created to raise money for Our Northern Ministry of
Children. In a Meeting with TRM Duncan and Larissa, the Crown gave us 2
thumbs up for such a Noble Cause and HRM was very Impressed with the people
who are featured in this Calendar, the photography and all the work that went
into this project. This year we were most unfortunate to suffer the Loss of
one of our own HE Marin ferch Howell.
This Wonderful Baroness has touched many people in many ways( feeding the
many and teaching all those who would ask) I for one shall miss this great
teacher for she was an inspiration to me and she taught me many thinks I did
not know about preparing and serving a feast( #1 Rule  Never let them leave
Hungry) So we have Dedicated a page of this 2002 calendar to her memory.

Our hard work in this project is to raise Money for our Children. We now need
the help of the populace of Northern Ansteorra. We would like to see our goal
of 200 Calenders be sold. If we make this goal $1000.00 shall be split
between all groups in the north that have an MOC. For every 25 calendars that
are sold after 200 we can add another $125.00 to the total. The Price of the
calendar is $20.00 and after 101 have been sold our cost per calendar drops
to $15.00 a piece which will give us a
$ 5.00 per calendar profit to benefit the Northern MOC.

Unfortunatly Due to mundane work schedule for me(mordane) we shall not be
able to attend many events. We shall be at WIESENFEUER BAROIAL XI and also
NAMROM PROTECTORATE XXV ( wouldn't miss this for the world)

The Price is $20.00 per calendar PREPAID.

(WE are only ordering  the amount of calendars that are paid for. 200
calendars will cost $3000.00 alot of money for us to come up with. Hence

There is a $3.50 per calendar Shipping and Handleing Extra Cost
( Please consider this extra cost , this way we can mail your calendar to
youin time for you to get it before christmas.)

The Shipping and Handling Costs are approxomite. Due to zones and zip codes
we rounded the price slightly higher. Any monies paid for S&H that are not
used for such shall be included in the grand total of money to be given to
our MOC.

Our cutoff date set by our Commercial Printer is going to be  27 october
2001. All orders and payments need to be in by this date please.

Ravon will be at Wiesenfeuer populace Meetings in August, September and
October to take orders and monies.

You may e-mail us privately at CelticNorthStar at aol.com and we can tell you
how to order by mail.

 No Order will be accepted as Final Till Monies Are Paid.

As of this past weekend  21 August 2001 we have  6 orders only 194 to go to
reach our goal.  PLEASE HELP!

We would ask please all Seneschals to please Pass this on at your meetings
and all chroniclers please post an ad about his in your newsletter.  Thank you

This Past weekend  Many have asked the question why didn't i make the
calendar or why is our event not in the calendar?      As we all know there
are only 12 months in a year so this makes our job as publishers so hard from
the moment of beginning this project.
we had originally planned to start with a 2003 calendar and to do photo
shoots for it specificaly. But alas as is with all great ideas we shared this
one with a dear and close friend who is a noble in the north and she had such
good words of praise for this project that we put one together in short time
for 2002. Now this has not been an easy task as I (mordane ) have been
playing in the north for over 5 years and Lady Ravon has been for over 2
years . we have many many many great photos of our populace.we sat down and
went through literally hundreds of photos to find 12. not an easy job, but
one that had to be done. So this may be why your not in the calendar not
because we dont like someone or a group or any other thoughts. we only have
12 slots to work with . We do not dislike anyone or any group.

 On a lighter Note.   Be forewarned that coming soon to an event near you
Ravon and I will be near and far with camera's to start shooting for 2003
calendar . And as always we will be looking fro those great pictures as well
as those Most Embarising Moments ( Photos and negatives of these moments may
be purchased from your local sales agent of the al a Assani Enterprise
Service.) So beware for there shall be camera's a bout ( and mordane has some
big lens for his camera, he can get you and you not know it till later when
your friends have those pictures) All our pictures shall be taken it good
taste, anything we happen to catch that is not shall be dealt with properly.

In Service,
Lord Mordane and Lady Ravon Garrett
Ceardach Celtish Yn Gahlin

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