[NR] New List...I disagree...no wait now I agree

Vortmax vortmax at mac.com
Wed Jul 11 11:25:28 PDT 2001

> I believe that by the number of people that seem to hate the idea, a new
> is certainly called for.

So you foster the notion that because a few people "hate" something it
should go forward?  I don't follow that at all.  Besides, I haven't seen
anyone say they "hate" the idea.  I just see alot of well reasoned opinions
on why those in apparent opposition view the "new" list as redundant.  Just
because people aren't endorsing the idea doesn't mean they "hate" it.

I won't be subscribing to the "new" list for two reasons:
1) I don't have the luxury of time.  I am not subscribed to any mailing
lists at work except those pertaining to my job because I don't have much
spare time at work to pursue personal interests.  At home, I am subscribed
to two lists, both of which generate sufficient material to
amuse/divert/interest me for the amount of time I wish to devote to sitting
in front of a computer at home (which isn't that long after working in front
of one for 8+ hours).

2) I see another "Northern Regional" list as redundant.  If one is
uncomfortable discussing issues on the currently well-known and
well-publicized "ansteorra.org" list, then what is posting on another list
going to accomplish?  I would venture a guess that most of those currently
subscribed to the "new" list are currently subscribed to this one as well.

So, as you can see, I do not "hate" the new list.  In actuality I am
indifferent to it. If it lives, it lives.  If it dies, it dies.  But I can
see the possibility (not that it will, just the *possibility*) that this may
further fuel the separatism among those who already have opposing ideas.

Lord Thomas of Weathershear
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher
regard those who think alike than those who think differently."
   - Nietzsche

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