[NR] Rattan is here

Carl Chipman cchipman at nomadics.com
Wed Nov 7 13:45:38 PST 2001

All 50 sticks arrived today... all of them are 9 to 10 feet long ( I was
hoping for longer).  Because of higher than expected shipping costs, the
sticks will be $21 per stick.

I'm going to Mooneschadowe's practice tonight early, will sell some
there, and then will be coming up to NK's late (probably 8:30 - 9:00 pm
or so) and will sell some there.

I'd appreciate checks as opposed to cash, if I can get them.

I'm taking the rest with me to 3 kings.  Hopefully some will be around
at investiture...


Carl Chipman
Nomadics, Inc.
cchipman at nomadics.com

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