[NR] Re: [Northkeep] (no subject)

Maleah maleah at mmcable.com
Mon Feb 4 21:04:47 PST 2002

I have received several private posts asking me what will be needed for Med
Fair so I thought I'd reply here to reach the most people who might need
that information.

OU's Medieval Fair is a three day Ren Fair situation where the SCA is part
of the entertainment (read one REALLY big demo). We will need fighters of
both persuasions, people to walk the ropes and talk to the crowd to explain
what we are and what we do, waterbearers, people to man the A&S tent and
things to display in said tent (we have lockable display cases and there is
someone with things at all times), dancers, bards, people to man the
Hospitalers tent (this is your cue to get contact & meeting info put
together for your group to hand out at the fair), set up and tear down crews
for each day (with the iffy weather it's not a good idea to leave the tents
standing over night so we do a partial tear down), people to walk in the
daily twice daily "procession" of the fair (so bring nice clothes) and
anything else that normally goes into doing a demo (just think ten times a
big and 3 full days worth).

We are looking into having a hospitality tent with sandwich supplies, etc
for the folks who help work the fair. Fair food is great but incredibly

We are also looking into a site to have a revel Sat. night so we can kick
off our shoes and relax with each other.

The fair runs for 3 full days so any and all help will be appreciated. The
more bodies we have the lighter the load will be for those of us who must be
there all 3 days. Fridays are always the hardest because so many of you work
and are unable to come until Sat. It's also the day that the extended Metro
area turns loose the hordes (and I do mean hordes) of school children to
attend the fair. So if you have Friday free I am begging, pleading and
groveling for your help.

We will need a list of names (both SCA and mundane), car tag numbers  and a
contact person from each group of the people who will be working to enable
us to get you all parking passes. Like any university town, people have
learned what the phrase "no free parking" means when and event like this
takes place.

Our liaison to the Fair this year is m'lady Bianca di Sereni. She can be
reached at:

CLASS016 at aol.com

Remember, she is new at this so be kind. Please feel free to forward this to
any who you feel might need the info or to contact the lovely Bianca about
the Fair.

Baroness of Namron

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