[NR] Protectorate invaded by Pirate -- Children save the day.

CLASS016 at aol.com CLASS016 at aol.com
Mon Oct 14 07:52:28 PDT 2002

Thanks to all who participated in Namron's Protectorate Archery shoot!  We had 14 archers brave the misty rains and gusty winds -- 12 completed Royal Rounds with 11 scores to be turned in -- 4 completed IKAC's with scores to be turned in to the Kingdom!

But, I must brag on our Northern youth!  While our heavy and rapier fighters were doing battle for Protector -- our fine shores were invaded by PIRATES!!  But, thank goodness, we had 10 archers from the ages of 6 to 15 ready with steady hands, keen eyes and true hearts.  NOT only did they turn the pirates from our shores but they SLEW a giant sea serpent and SAVED a rare and valuable red parrot who was turned over to the keeping of Lady Adena (to go with her sisters duck!).

Thanks to all who participated and to Master Rumil and Artair for helping Marshal the archery with me.  To Lady Annabelle, Master Rumil, our new Marshal Catin -- thank you for each taking on a youth student archer and passing on a love, regard and respect for this great sport.

I say next year we add IKCAC!!!  (Yes, I am an over achiever.)

VIVAT to our Valiant Youth Archers and our gracious and kind Archery Marshal volunteers!

In Service
Lady Bianca Sereni
Archery Marshal for the Great Barony of Namron
Titled Archer of Namron

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