[NR] New Oklahoma Tax Law and Merchants

Fitzmorgan at aol.com Fitzmorgan at aol.com
Tue Aug 5 21:23:28 PDT 2003

   Oklahoma passed a new law in May that went into effect in July.  It appears that this law would have the effect og making SCA groups in Oklahoma responsable for collecting and sending to the State of Oklahoma sales tax collected from merchants who sell at our events.  At this time it is not clear how this applies to us or what proceedures need to be implimented to enforce this policy.  The matter is being looked into.  
   Until we understand how this effects us and what we need to do to be in compliance, the Kingdom Seneschal has banned all merchanting at SCA events in Oklahoma.  She hopes to be able to lift this ban by October.  
   This is all the information I have on this at this time.  

Robert Fitzmorgan
Northern Regional Seneschal

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