[NR] Gulf Wars Land

Mike Gideon mg1m at swbell.net
Mon Jan 6 16:50:57 PST 2003

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Do you have plans for going to Gulf Wars this year?
Want your group to have a large enough camping area reserved?

If you don’t pre-register, you can’t reserve lands in the Ansteorran
The deadline for pre-registration is 1/31/03.
You can get pre-registration forms at ( www.gulfwars.org
<http://www.gulfwars.org/>  )

Michel mac Donnchaid
mg1m at swbell.net
 (580) 252-2520

*******************”Borrowed” from H.E. Sir Pendaran

Many groups, such as baronies, shires and households prefer to camp
together at the war. In order to do this, these groups must reserve land
together by following the process below.

·        All individuals must pre-register by 1/31/03

o       Please note the group you're camping with and your kingdom of
residence (i.e. Group: Barony of Bryn Gwlad, Kingdom: Ansteorra)

·        Contact your regional land coordinator (see list below) and
inform them that you wish a camp with a particular group. It is
recommended (though not required), that each group designate one person
to work with the regional coordinator on behalf of the group.

o       The following information must be provided to the Regional Land

§         Your mundane & SCA name

§         Tent size

§         Size of common area request (such as a group kitchen or dining

·        Please note: group areas may be requested and the land staff
will do our best to provide them but we can not guarantee that you will
get them

·        Group requests must be made by 2/15/03

Regional Land Coordinators:

            North: Baron Míchél mac Donnchaid - mg1m at swbell.net

            Central: Lady Honour Du Bois - mysticfalcon at onebox.com

            West: H.L. Agnarr Thorvaldsson - agnarr at quik.com

            South: H.E. Sir Pendaran Glamorgan -
twinoak at cox-internet.com

      Coastal: H.E. Sir Galen Kirchenbauer - galenbv at ix.netcom.com


"Can I get on the early on list?"

-        Sorry, but the early on list is very limited and has been
closed for some time now. We do, however, need some volunteers to stay
late on Sunday and help with clean up.

"How much room do we get per person?"

-        Each pre-reserved person receives 10X15 feet of land regardless
of how many people are camping in a given tent. For example, if two
people are sharing a 10X10 tent, they still get 10X15 of land for each
of those people, for a total of 20X15 feet of land. Any extra land can
be used for common areas or whatever the group wishes to do with it.

"What's the deal with group/common areas?"

-        The land staff realizes that groups usually need common areas
for kitchens, dining or just hanging out and we try our very best to
reserve enough land for your group to have one. We cannot, however,
guarantee that there will be enough available land hence we allow each
group to request a space, but warn that it is not guaranteed.

"What if we want to let our friend camp with us even though he didn't

-        Each group will receive their allotted amount of land based on
the number of pre-registered people. That should leave enough land for
people to camp comfortably. If the group chooses to let more people in
even though they didn't pre-registered, it can, but the group will not
receive additional land and things will get very crowded.

"How can we get better land this year?"

-        The land staff is very aware of the layout of the land and what
happens when it rains. Every year we do our best to make sure that each
group gets good land but unfortunately we can't guarantee that it will
happen - there simply isn't always enough good land to go around. Still,
if your group camped in a particularly bad area last year, please advise
your regional coordinator, and we'll do our best to make things better
this year.

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