[NR] Archery Newcomer's class

ivarr_brokksson at cox.net ivarr_brokksson at cox.net
Fri Mar 28 11:08:32 PST 2003

Greetings, Lords and Ladies!

One last reminder about the Archery Newcomer's class being held in Wiesenfeuer this Sunday at 1PM. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come out. We will be covering the basics such as proper equipment, range safety, and beginning shooting. There will be a number of experienced marshals on hand for questions and tips.

The class will be held at the Trosper Archery Range just east of Eastern Ave. on Grand Blvd (SE 36th St.) in Oklahoma City. If the weather is bad (cold, wet, plagues of toads, etc.), we will meet at the Denny's restaurant at SE 29th and I-35 Service Rd; it isn't far from the range.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need better directions. ivarr_brokksson at cox.net or (405)603-5171 (before 9pm)

Clear skies,

Ld. Ivarr Brokksson
Wiesenfeuer Archery Marshal

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