[NR] Revel This Saturday

Bill and/or Terry Smith wc-tjsmith at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 22 20:25:36 PDT 2003

Greetings Cellach and all our friends in the good Barony of Namron,
I invite you all to bring your yummies, kegs, etc. down and revel with us at Eldern's Samhain Celebration this weekend.  The site is Clear Creek Lake, just North of Duncan.  It's just a hop, skip and a jump from Namron. *G*  Much fighting, feasting, and revelry awaits!
In service,
Master Artorius ap Caradoc

Cellach Ferguson <cellach at breezykilt.com> wrote:
To Namron and all those in Lands that we plan to conquer as soon as Tadhg has recovered,
It appears that there is much yumminess left after the Protectorate Tavern.  It was agreed at last night's Pop meeting that a revel should be held to finish it off.  It was also agreed that we should hold said revel over at my place this Saturday night (Oct 25).  (Hey, this is where Wilhelm last contacted the mother ship.  I think he wants to do it again.  Besides, Agnes is getting unruly that he hasn't been home to take out the trash all week.)
All that is left over from the Tavern will be here.  Anything else that you all want, as last time, is to be brought with you (this includes any farm species as Bone-Dawg is NOT available).  We will provide all the paper plates, utensils, etc., so don't worry about that.
In case the weather isn't optimal, I'll get a GP from the shed.  I'll need help setting that up from those who know how.
The one thing we can't live without, of course, is alcohol.  The kegs that we didn't even come close to finishing off last time are going to Samhain, so, we are on our own.  I will, later today, ask Barat how his supply is doing and whether we could steal some of the back stock (which may not exist after the great Protectorate Stagger of '03).  Just in case, plan on bringing booze with ya.  Gavin says he may have more of that purple, bubbly Frankesntein stuff, he's checking.
Also, we need wood.  Willy has burned everything not tied down (and I fear for the rest of my trees).  If you have any or know where we can get some on the cheap, let me know.
Let's congregate here at 6pm this Saturday.  4807 W. Tecumseh, Norman.  If you need further directions, just email me and I'll have the tower guide you in.
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