[NR] How Did Bordermarch Melees Go?

syr_owen at nordsteorra.org syr_owen at nordsteorra.org
Mon Nov 22 10:13:29 PST 2004

Yes a very big thank you to Bordermarch and a howl. Their hospitality is 
unmatched and we all had a great time. The fighting was excellent!! and thank 
you Syr Owen we had a blast fighting against you and some of our other 
Northern Brothers and Sisters as well. Trimaris had better be training hard, 
because I think they're gonna need it come spring!!!
Vivat Ansteorra!!
Ld.D'Alder Camber
Head of Household Wolfstar

Actually all of the Northern fighters except myself fought with Wolfstar. I 
fought with the King being his Champion and all. I feel sorry for those that 
missed this event I hope to see them there next year. Once again excellent 
fights honor was the word for the day very much enjoyable.

Syr Owen

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