[NR] Attn: Centurions

zubeydah at northkeep.org zubeydah at northkeep.org
Wed Sep 29 09:33:11 PDT 2004

His Royal Majesty Quintus Aurelius Dracontis made a comment when Centurion 
Wiggen was presented with his charter that got me thinking.  He said something 
along the lines of, 'And even rarer, a centurion scroll!' which elicited an 
emphatic response from the centurions present... 

Does this mean there are Northern Region Centurions that did *NOT* receive 
their scrolls for whatever reason?

IF this is the case... please contact me offlist at zubeydah at northkeep.org . I 
am delighted to paint up missing charters, for forwarding to the Golden Scroll, 
Countess Sara, for appropriate signature, etc.  ((If you are unaware of the 
Golden Scroll office, they endeavor to create any missing scroll that was never 
received. There's also another scribal office that handles requests for peerage 
scrolls... so if you're missing a scroll, please contact the scribes!!))

in service to the chivalric community in the North, where the Black Star shines 
the brightest,

zubeydah jamilla al-badawiyya
paint-splattered northern regional waterbearer


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