[NR] Forwarded by request: SCA related Katrina Yahoo group.

j.t.herring j.t.herring at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 31 07:58:27 PDT 2005


The new Kingdom to be of Gleann Abhann was hit hard by Katrina,
there has been a yahoo group formed by those who are trying to


below is more information that was posted to another list.


"I know that you are all aware of the aftermath of Katrina.
Gleann Abhann was suppose to have it's first coronation and become
kingdom in October and the site is now gone (Gulf Port area). The
site for Gulf Wars is also underwater.

Our kingdom seneschal (Northshield) is in contact with the
seneschal of Meridies and the soon to be kingdom of Gleann Abhann,
as are many other seneschals. There isn't a lot that we can do
because they need to get power and communications up and a whole
of rescuing.

I keep remembering how nice it was when the Gleann Abhan royalty
stood out in the cold handing out fresh donuts and hot coffee to
as we waited to get into Gulf Wars this past year. They were so
full of smiles and treated ALL of us as if WE were the royalty!

There is a new yahoo group that is trying to coordinate efforts to
help and I have the link listed below. Some of the discussions on
other lists involve "adopting" a group and helping them replace
items like garb, armor, feast gear, etc. These aren't items that
the Red Cross will replace and we all know how much time and money
we have put in OUR SCA gear.


It's a new group so you may not find it on a yahoo groups search

For those of use who don't have allot of money, making SCA items
to help replace what was lost is a good way to help our fellow

Please cross post this to other lists. A large coordinated effort
might get more done."

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