[NR] [Fwd: Hello from Smythkepe]

ainarm at cox.net ainarm at cox.net
Fri Sep 2 14:01:01 PDT 2005

Forwarded to these lists in hopes of getting the info out quicker.  Please forward to your local lists as applicable.
> From: "FSToolRoom" <FSToolRoom at jariggs.com>
> Date: 2005/09/02 Fri AM 08:39:10 EDT
> To: <northkeep_excellencies at ansteorra.org>
> Subject: Hello from Smythkepe
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Good Morning Your Excellencies,
I hope you will forgive me for writing from work, but it has been a rather hectic time lately.
I am Lord Regné de Lyon, of Smythkepe.  I am currently serving as the district coordinator for Gleann Abhann's supply run effort to assist SCA folks who live(d) in the Gulf Coast region.  I have also been asked to serve as the liaison for northern Ansteorra, as I understand some people there have expressed interest in participating.
If you are unfamiliar with this effort, please allow me to explain.  We are putting together basic supplies and necessities that will be shuttled down to our people in the hurricane area.  We will move the goods "pony express" style in legs; from here to Lagerdamm, from Lagerdamm to Small Gray Bear, from SGB to Grey Niche, and from Grey Niche to the affected areas.  
Our immediate concern is fresh water and non-perishable foods, toiletries and first aid supplies.  I am compiling a database as well that will allow us to get appropriate sizes of clothing and shoes to people.  In many cases, the people down there have lost everything.  Thus, they will eventually need many of the things the rest of us take for granted.  Please, do not send money!  Her Majesty of Meridies is spearheading an effort to get the appropriate status to accept monetary donations and get them properly distributed.  In the mean time, if anyone would like to send monetary donations we are accepting gift cards from Walmart, home improvement stores and national chain gas stations.
If you would be so kind as to forward this to your Seneschal, as well as to other Seneschals in your region of Ansteorra I and the rest of Gleann Abhann would be grateful.  Also, should anyone have any questions or require information about the drop-off location for our local "depot", they may contact me at lordregne at silverheart.net.
Finally, I would like to inform you and your populace that the Shire of Smythkepe is having an event this weekend called MSKD.  Information about that event can be found at www.smythkepe.org.  All of the profits from this event will be donated to hurricane relief.  For any fencers who might be interested in attending, we have a very full schedule of activities.  I personally will not be fighting in any tournaments.  Instead, I will only fight for donations to the Red Cross.  We certainly don't wish to compete with any of Ansteorra's events.  However, if anyone is looking for a fun event this weekend, I highly recommend ours; it is generally a wonderful event and this year it serves a very worthy cause.  And, it's a way to help those in need and have fun doing it.
Thank you so much for your time and for passing this message along.  The people of Gleann Abhann are grateful for any assistance you can offer.
In Humble Service,
Lord Regné de Lyon, M.O.B., C.A.R., G.A.C.R.
Exchequer, Smythkepe
Troy Gordon
J.A. Riggs Tractor Company
Fort Smith Tool Center
(479) 646-4755 ext. 2218
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