[NR] Cook's Symposium

Epperson, Sheryl eppersos at oge.com
Sun Apr 15 05:45:50 PDT 2007

On the weekend of April 27-29, the kingdom of Calontir is hosting a Cook's Symposium.  Check out the Calontir cook's guild website for information.  Several of us from Namron are planning on attending and have reserved cabin space.
However, we have reserved more cabin space than we need.   If there is anyone else interested in attending,  please let me know if you wish to share cabin space with us.  We have at least 6 spaces available.  If I have not heard from anyone by next weekend, I will let the event steward know the space is not needed by us so he can fill it.
Sorry for the late notice-time slipped away from me,
Annabelle Fitzsimmons,
Barony of Namron

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