[NR] Independance Day and Marshals and Such

Wulfric Eorwine wolf.of.westernesse at gmail.com
Fri May 11 14:37:17 PDT 2007

I don't know if any of you are on the Barony of Namron list, but friends 
of ours in Kuhneigen approached us regarding an unofficial event that 
they are having around the fourth of july at their home (they live on 
166 acres in Maysville, OK). There will be heavy fighting, A&S, Bardic, 
and other competitions and they are interested in having some equestrian 
stuff as well, to at least expose people to the ideas of what it looks 
like. They know we are involved in the equestrian world and so figured 
we could get something set up. So, here is my obnoxiously series of 
new-to-the-area questions:

1. Do we have any equipment locally for equestrian competitions (reeds, 
heads, axes, swords, etc.) available for general use?
2. Do we have any equestrian marshals in the area who may be willing to 
attend (though this is an unofficial event, it'd be nice to have 
marshals there)?
3. Does anyone else with horses (besides my lady and I, I mean) have an 
interest in attending and introducing some veteran SCAers to the 
equestrian world?

Anyone interested in getting involved, drop me an email and I'll be 
happy to get with you about what we might be doing. You can consider 
this more of a demo than an "event", the goal being to expose SCAers to 
the equestrian world and hopefully entice more interest. People have 
been approaching us at events and meetings about being interested, so 
there is a definite possibility of growing the local equestrian 
community if we can just make our presence seen and readily available. 
We hope to use this unofficial event as an opportunity to spring-board 
into some hardcore recruitment. We're new and want to drag other new 
people in too :-)

May You Ride Swift and Free,

Wulfric Eorwine
Barony of Namron
Northern Region of Ansteorra

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