[NR] Fw: [Western] News Flash: Lord Shui's Killler Arrested

Ann Zetzsche tamsinmcaindruis at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 28 19:27:50 PDT 2008

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This news flash is brought to you by: "The Rome Inn"  "When you find yourself roaming the countryside and need a home away from home, drag  your weary ass to the 'Rome Inn.'   There are no extra stable charges at the 'Rome Inn' and we'll feed both you and your ass a hearty meal of oats at no extra charge."
And now the News:
Apparently too late to stop a war between Bonwicke and Trelac, Lord Shui's murderer has just  been discovered and arrested by the Trelac Guard.  
It has now been learned that within just hours of the discovery of the murder of  Lord Fun Shui, a trusted minister of the Court in Bonwicke, the Trelac Civic Guard contacted and arranged to contract the services of Brother Cadfael of Abbott's Abbey to investigate the circumstances around the murder of Lord Shui.  The Trelac Guard had earlier enlisted the services of Father Cadfael  to investigate the possible poisonings of Trelac resisdents due to the consumption of moldy bread from the Trelac Bakery.  Brother Cadfael is no stranger to solving mysteries and has solved many mysteries during his stay at the Abbey.  Brother Cadfael immediately contacted Hu Nu Noe Ting, the investigator in charge in Bonwicke, and got permission to examine the crime scene.  One of the things that Brother Cadfael immediately noticed was that Lord Shui was fully dressed when he was killed, but he was not wearing shoes.  As it was known that Lord Shui possessed an
 especially beautiful pair of shoes that he was always seen wearing, this seemed rather peculiar.  A search of the premises also failed to locate said shoes.
As luck would have it, a stranger visiting Trelac only 3 days after the death of Lord Shui was spotted wearing the same said shoes.  Upon arrest by the Trelac Guard and after some "persuasive questioning," Robert Cutter, as he later identified himself, admitted to killing Lord Shui and stealing the before mentioned shoes.  It seems that Cutter has a bit of a shoe fetish himself, and could not resist such as beautiful pair of shoes as those possessed by Lord Shui.  Under further questioning, Cutter revealed that Lord Donald Keyes had paid him to kill Lord Shui and plant the incriminating blue and white cloth as evidence against Trelac in hopes of starting a war between Bonwicke and Trelac.  The Trelac Guard is at this time desperately trying to locate Lord Keyes, verify these claims, and try to advert an unnecessary war between Bonwicke and Trelac.   But, as armies march forth to battle one another, it may be too little too late.

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