[NR] Thank Yous for Bonwicke Artisan

HE Chiang chiang at clearwire.net
Mon Feb 1 21:26:49 PST 2010

  Greetings Good Gentles,
This last weekend Bonwicke held its Artisan Event, and I have a few...okay many thank you's that I need to give out.
  First I would like to thank all the people that braved the weather to travel so far to grace us with their presence. It was a pleasure to have you in our fair Barony. I hope that we made you feel welcome.
  To His Majesty, thanks for braving the weather to make your way here. The things you did through out the day made it so special for many. I know that HE Toshiro and Lady Marquel will long remember this last weekend. 
  To my Event Steward, thank you for all your efforts, even though the weather made you unable to travel to the event.
  Bjorn, who spent all day in the kitchen, with his daughter, HE Anna and HE Morrigan cooking such an awesome repast. You out did yourself my friend, I can not say thank you enough.
  To all those who help decorate the hall and then clean it up when we were done. The ones that sat at Gate and all those other little chores that make events get done. You guys rock!!
  Thanks to the Laurels who gave so willingly of their time and efforts to judge for me, cause the ones that had planned to do it, could not make it. You showed us why you are peers and another reason to look up to you, even more than we already do.
  Congratulations to HL Serafina de Gratia for winning the contest and becoming our Artisan. I was blown away by all the talent that did show to compete, and knew that I was out of my league.
  Congratulations to the winner of Bardic, Tadhg mac Aedain. That was the first time in a very long time I have sat still and really enjoyed Bardic. We had two people who were in their first contest, one of which got an honorable mention and later an AoA for her fine singing voice. We hope to hear more from them in the future.
   Last but never least, to my dear lady love Her Excellency Li Xiao Wuya, with out you, well I would not be who I am, nor as civilized. Thanks for keeping me sane through it all.
  I am sure that I have left some out, please forgive me if I have, I am old senile and get hit in the head a lot. We look forward to seeing all of you at our Bonwicke's Champion's Event in April. 
  I am and remain, your humble servant,
  HE Chiang,
  Proud  Baron of Bonwicke

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