[NR] Wiesenfeuer's Yule Revel

Castellana Donea castellana.donea at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 11 18:02:08 PST 2010

Dear friends and family, 
            The time for CHOCOLATE, I mean The Barony of Wiesenfeuer’s annual Yule Revel is just around the corner, being Saturday December, 4th at camp DaKaNi in Oklahoma City, OK.  This will be our Barony’s twentieth anniversary and we want to make it uniquely special.  We have quite a few activities planned and hopefully have an event that everyone in the family can enjoy.  
Our theme for this year’s Yule Revel is the celebration of our twentieth anniversary and, need I say it, CHOCOLATE.  
The colors for the Yule season are red, green, black, and gold in honor of our great barony.  
Merchants are as always welcome at our event… To coordinate merchant space please contact Anghared of Patrin Or at anghared.gwen at yahoo.com   
            We have two fun style tournaments planned for Yule Revel.  For our chivalric fighters we will have a snowball tourney, feeling the name if nothing else is suitable for the season.  
And for the rapier fighters, we will have a burning ship tourney.  Fencers will be fighting on the deck of a burning ship which has gunpowder in it's cargo hold. Their objective is to dispose of their opponent, grab the treasure, and leap from the burning ship which explodes at an unknown time based on the desires of the Ladies of House Patrin Or before each match.  To add complexity, each fighter will have 3 lives (including if they explode), first life gets single sword, second life gets to bring a rigid or non-rigid parrying device, and third life gets to bring two offensive weapons. The winner will be the person who collects the most treasure through the course of their bouts which will be recognized at conclusion of the fighting.  
            In correlation with the tournaments, House Patrin Or, will be hosting a ‘Death For Chocolate’ competition.  A large basket of home baked chocolate goodies will be awarded to one fighter from each tourney who dies most gallantly (extravagantly) on the field. 
Baronial Championships:  
            Arts and Sciences: The theme for our arts and science championship this year will be The Barony’s Twentieth Year.  Documentation is encourage, but not required, and our judging will be from the standard Kingdom judging forms. 
            Bardic: The format for the bardic championship is coming to you soon. 
Other Competitions:  
            Subtleties Competition: the theme for this, of course, is chocolate. 
            Table Decorating Competition:  The colors again are red, green, black, and gold, with the Barony of Wiesenfeuer being the theme.  This is the Yule season, so tying the two together is what we are looking for.  
            Best Dressed Competition: Bring out your finest!  We are looking for appropriate Yule garments in the colors of the season.  We prefer the garments to have been made for the Yule season or at least within the last year.  
Items of Note: 
            There will be a regional identity meeting at 1:00 under the permanent pavilion. 
            His Excellencies Cassius will be hosting “Chocolate Roulette,” at 4:00pm, also under the permanent pavilion.  
            Our feast steward is the lovely HL Shana Camber. 


1st course/remove  


Flavored Butters


2nd course/remove

Hearty Beef & Barley Stew

3rd course/remove

Maple & Garlic Roasted Pork Tenderloin

Green Beans w/Bacon wrap

Roasted Dill Squash & Zuccini

4th course/remove

Almond Apple Crisp

Drinks will be Water & Tea w/sugar substitute available

Site opens at 7:30 on Saturday morning and closes at 11:00pm.   Site fees are $8 for those over the age of sixteen, and $5 for those under the age of sixteen.  A $5 NMS fee will be added to those without proof of membership.  Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.  They may also attend with an adult 21 years or older, with a signed and notarized Minor Event Waiver form from the parents.  Site is wet in period containers only.  Service animals only, no pets allowed. 
For question, comments or concerns please contact the autocrat 
Lady Castellana Donea 
Castellana.donea at yahoo.com 


Lady Castellana de Andalusia
known as Castellana Donea
Protogee' to Syr Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Rom Bara of House Patrin Or
Wiensenfeuer's Deputy Herald
Kingdom Armillary Pursuvant


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